Bill Schmitt Memorial Race-Bleacher Seats

By Shasta Speedway (other events)

Fri, May 29 2015 4:00 PM PST Sat, May 30 2015 10:00 PM PST

Bill Schmitt Memoria Race-Bleacher Seats.

This is going to be a great race in memory of a local racer and businessman!  This is the 4th stop

on the K & N West Division race Series.  These tickets are for both the Friday night practices and tune session along with the Saturday night Races.  Gates open at 4 pm on Friday and noon on Saturday.

These seats are First Come First serve.

Eastside Bleachers are on the Eastside of the Grandstand and Westside Bleachers are on the Westside of the stands.


Mailing Address

1890 Briggs Street Anderson, CA 96007